The Journey Inward

The Journey Inward®

Feldenkrais® Personal Training



Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® has strong scientific roots. Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, originator of the work, studied human movement and development using his knowledge in mechanical and electrical engineering. He received his doctorate in physics. It was a severe knee injury that inspired him to understand more about human movement and neurophysiology.

He studied other disciplines: biology, anthropology, cybernetics, systems and learning theory to develop his understanding of the relationship between body and mind. In addition to his involvement with science he was a master in Judo. He was a passionate human being who used all that he knew to develop a unique way of knowing and working with people. Finally, he talked about his work as a way for people to actualize their potential, put their intentions into action and live their dreams.

Moshe Feldenkrais lived from 1904-1984 and made an incredible contribution to the field of human consciousness. This unique approach respects the intelligence of the human nervous system and its ability and eagerness to learn. It provides environments for the nervous system to learn through touch and movement.

Just like a child first learns through exploration and discovery, this method develops sensory awareness to help people recognize habits of movement and posture. As we become aware of our habits we have choices and new options of movement. In a gradual and organic way we begin to use more of our potential. We learn to use the laws of gravity and physics to propel ourselves through space which gives us a sense of grace and ease.

Benefits of the Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method aims to improve physical and mental functioning. It is applicable to anyone wanting to enhance the quality of his or her everyday life and activities. People from many different walks of life do Feldenkrais®. They report results of increased vitality, enhancement of self-image, better breathing and posture, greater flexibility and range of motion, and reduction of pain. By bringing attention to the process of movement, students feel lighter and more graceful, and have greater ease and effectiveness in turning their intentions into actions.

Feldenkrais helps improve:

  • flexibility
  • strength
  • coordination
  • balance
  • efficiency
  • learning
  • breathing
  • speech
  • communication
  • self-image
  • injury prevention
  • pain management
  • recovery from surgery
  • stress and fatigue reduction
  • the quality of life

Professionals who benefit:

  • athletes
  • artists
  • massage therapists
  • actors
  • martial artists
  • musicians
  • computer operators
  • dancers
  • physical & occupational therapists
  • singers
  • psychologist, counselors & social workers
  • etc… 

Benefits people with:

  • learning disabilities
  • strokes
  • cerebral palsy
  • autism
  • multiple sclerosis
  • vestibular disorders
  • pain, back, neck, knee conditions
  • etc…